1. 协议的范围。本协议是您与锐捷之间为您下载、复制、安装与使用锐捷软件所订立的协议。本协议的内容包括但不限于与锐捷软件的下载、复制、安装与使用相关的协议、规则、规范、政策(包括但不限于锐捷软件中的《隐私政策》),以及后续可能陆续发布的本协议及其相关协议、规则、规范、政策的修改和修订,前述内容一经锐捷正式发布,即成为本协议不可分割的部分。锐捷会以合理方式提示您本协议包括相关协议、规则、规范、政策的任何发布和更新。前述本协议的更新一经发布,如您继续使用锐捷软件,视为已经接受本协议的更新。
2. 软件的内容。锐捷软件是由锐捷开发并根据本协议授权您下载、复制、安装与使用的软件。您知晓并同意,锐捷可能对锐捷软件的内容进行适当和必要的调整。锐捷会以合理方式提示您锐捷软件的任何功能和内容的调整。
1. 软件许可。锐捷授予您非排他的、不可转让、不可再许可的的权利,以供您在遵循本协议的前提下,以合理的方式、在合理范围内使用锐捷软件(“软件许可”)。锐捷授予您的权利包括:
(a)使用。您可以在一部(套)锐捷产品或一台计算机或一台其他电子产品使用下载、复制、安装与使用锐捷软件。如果您购买的锐捷软件是通过 Internet 提供,且最初包含可用于多台计算机的许可,您可以在这些计算机或一台其他电子产品上下载、复制、安装与使用锐捷软件。您可以将锐捷软件安装到您计算机的临时内存 (RAM) 中,以便使用软件。
2. 许可的限制。除了本协议明示的软件许可外,锐捷保留与锐捷软件相关的一切权利。您必须事先得到锐捷的书面许可,方可在锐捷许可的范围内行使锐捷保留的相关权利。未经锐捷另行许可,您不得:
1. 锐捷享有锐捷软件一切权利和权益,包括知识产权,尤其是锐捷软件涉及的著作权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密等知识产权,以及与锐捷软件相关的所有信息内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、音频、视频、图表、界面设计、版面框架、有关数据或电子文档等)的所有权。锐捷的前述知识产权受法律法规和相应的国际条约的保护;您同意并确认,在您与锐捷之间,锐捷拥有并将继续拥有一切与锐捷软件相关的权利和权益。
2. 锐捷使用的任何与锐捷软件或锐捷提供的服务有关的商标或服务标志(“锐捷标志”)均是锐捷所有的标识。本协议未授予您与锐捷标志有关的任何权利、许可或权益,您无权对锐捷标志或任何可能与锐捷标志混淆的标志、文字或设计主张任何权利、许可或权益。
1. 您充分理解并同意,您应当在遵守法律和本协议的前提下,合理的使用锐捷软件,不得利用锐捷软件实施任何违法犯罪、侵害软件安全、或侵害锐捷或第三方权益的行为。若您违反法律法规或本协议约定,锐捷有权未经通知采取以下措施:警告、在一定期限内限制或禁止您对锐捷软件部分或全部功能的使用、强制关闭您使用锐捷软件的一切权限、或其他合法措施。如果您的行为涉及违法犯罪,或严重侵害软件安全或他人权益的,锐捷保留追究法律责任的权利。锐捷若未及时行使前述权利,不构成对该权利的放弃。
2. 您充分理解并同意,使用锐捷软件上传、发布、传送或通过其他方式传播的内容,不得含有任何违反国家法律法规政策的信息,包括但不限于下列信息:
3. 您不得利用锐捷软件的服务从事以下活动:
1. 协议的生效日。本协议自您接受本协议之日起生效(“生效日”)。您下载、复制、安装或以其他任何方式使用锐捷软件,即视为接受本协议。
2. 协议的期限。以下情形下,本协议终止:
1. 锐捷软件以您下载、复制、安装或以其他任何方式使用时的状态为准,软件介绍说明的材料仅供您参考,不作为锐捷对产品的适销性、特定用途、满意质量、或准确性的保证。锐捷不保证锐捷软件所包含的功能将满足您的要求。
2. 锐捷在其所知的范围内保证锐捷软件未侵犯第三方知识产权,但对本协议生效日未知或不确定的知识产权风险免责。
3. 锐捷会努力完善锐捷软件并保护锐捷软件的使用环境,但锐捷软件与绝大多数互联网软件一样,会受到诸多因素(包括软件本身的因素、用户因素、网络安全因素等)的影响。因此,请您理解并同意,锐捷无法保证(1)锐捷软件运行过程不受干扰,及时、安全的运行,或不会出现运行中断或出错或被恶意攻击的情形;(2)锐捷软件与第三方软件的兼容性,安装锐捷软件可能会影响第三方软件、应用程序或服务的可用性;(3)锐捷软件储存或传输的信息或数据不会丢失、感染病毒或被破坏;(4)您使用经由锐捷软件下载或取得的任何资料是无风险的;(5)一旦锐捷软件中断服务,用于上传、保存、使用的相关内容仍然存在或能够被恢复;或者(6)其他锐捷未在本协议中明示保证的情形。
4. 锐捷对下列情形造成的一切损失免责:
5. 除本协议明示的保证外,锐捷未对锐捷软件和软件许可作出任何明示、默示、法定或者其他保证,且除锐捷外,他人均无权修改或者扩大本保证的范围。因此,您知悉并同意,您自愿选择使用锐捷软件,并承担使用锐捷软件可能造成的风险。如因某些法域的特殊规定,导致本节条款在某些法域不能适用,本节所列的免责声明应在可根据现行法律可执行的最大范围内适用。
1. 法律适用。本协议的验证、解释、修改、履行和争议解决适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律,但不包括法律冲突规范。
2. 争议解决。如果就本协议的解释、修改或履行发生任何争议,锐捷与您应先通过友好协商解决。请通过访问锐捷网站的联系页面(http://www.ruijie.com.cn/gy/content/)联系锐捷。如果该争议无法通过协商解决,任何一方均可以将争议提交至中华人民共和国北京市有管辖权的人民法院。
1. 部分无效。如果本许可的任何条款在任何法域无效或不能执行,则该条款将会在可行的范围内被解释,使得条款具有可执行性;如果任何可能的都无法使得该条款具有可执行性,该条款将从合同中剔除,合同的剩余部分保持其完整的效力。
2. 整个合同条款。本许可是协议双方就协议主旨达成的最终的、完整非专属协议,并将取代所有以前或临时达成的书面或口头谅解和协议。
3. 合同的修订。本许可只能由双方授权代表以书面形式进行修订。
4. 外国法律。您应当遵守适用于锐捷软件的所有进出口国家的法律法规,包括前述法律法规对最终用户、使用领域、使用目的地及直接或者间接再出口的限制,严格按照前述法律法规和本协议的约定使用授权锐捷软件。如果您是中国大陆地区以外的用户,您订立或履行本协议以及使用本服务的行为还需要同时遵守您所属和/或所处国家或地区的法律。
5. 放弃。任何一方在任何时候未执行或延迟执行本协议的任何条款,或在任何时候未要求对方履行本协议的任何条款,不视为放弃该条款,也不影响任何一方以后继续执行该条款。
6. 语言。本协议以中文和英文两种文本书写,如有两种文本发生冲突,以中文为准。
End User Software License Agreement
一、Important Notice
Welcome to use Ruijie software and services! To use Ruijie software and services (“Ruijie Software”), you must carefully read and abide by this End User Software License Agreement (the “Agreement”).
This Agreement is a software license agreement entered into by and between you and Ruijie Networks Co., Ltd., Beijing star-net Ruijie Networks Technology Co., Ltd., and their affiliates (collectively, “Ruijie”). Please carefully read and fully understand each provision of this Agreement, especially the provisions for excluding or exempting the liabilities of Ruijie, the provisions for limiting your rights as a user, or the provisions for related to dispute resolution and jurisdictions, and separate agreements for activating or using certain services. The provisions for excluding or exempting the liabilities of Ruijie, or other provisions affecting your important rights may be provided in bold or in other reasonable forms to draw your attention.
It is deemed you have already accepted this Agreement if you have installed, duplicated, downloaded, or used Ruijie Software in any other way. You will not be entitled to use Ruijie Software if you do not accept all or part of the provisions of the Agreement. You shall immediately terminate the installation, duplication, or use of Ruijie Software in any other way, delete any components of Ruijie Software that you have downloaded, duplicated, installed. or retained, and contact Ruijie for return and refund matters.
If you are a minor, please read and confirm the this Agreement accompanied by your guardian.
The Agreement and Ruijie Software
1. Scope of the Agreement. The Agreement is a contract between you and Ruijie for your download, duplication, installation, and use of Ruijie Software. This Agreement includes but is not limited to the agreements, rules, specifications, and policies related to the download, duplication, installation, and use of Ruijie Software (including but not limited to Privacy Policy for Ruijie Software), and their subsequent modifications and revisions that may be released in succession. Each of the above-mentioned documents constitutes an inseparable part of this Agreement once being officially released by Ruijie. Ruijie will reasonably prompt you for any release and update of this Agreement and its related agreements, rules, regulations, and policies. Once the above-mentioned updates of this Agreement are released, your continued use of Ruijie Software will be deemed as acceptance to the updates of this Agreement.
2. Content of Ruijie Software. Ruijie develops Ruijie Software and authorizes you to download, duplicate, install, and use Ruijie Software according to this Agreement. You understand and agree that, Ruijie may make appropriate and necessary adjustments to the content of Ruijie Software. Ruijie will reasonably prompt you for adjustment of any function and content of Ruijie Software.
Scope of License
1. Software License. Ruijie grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use Ruijie Software in a reasonable manner and within a reasonable scope under your compliance with this Agreement (the “Software License”). The rights that Ruijie grants you include:
(a) Use. You can download, duplicate, install, and use Ruijie Software on a Ruijie product, a computer, or another electronic device. If Ruijie Software you purchased was provided through the Internet and it originally included licenses available for multiple computers, you can download, duplicate, install, and use Ruijie Software on these computers. You can install Ruijie Software in the random access memory (RAM) of your Ruijie product, computer, or another electronic device to use Ruijie Software.
(b) Storage. You can copy Ruijie Software to a local memory or storage device.
(c) Duplication. You can archive or back up a copy of Ruijie Software for a backup purpose, but the duplicated copy should contain the full ownership declaration of Ruijie Software.
2. Restrictions on the License. Except for the Software License expressly stated in this Agreement, Ruijie reserves all rights related to Ruijie Software. You shall obtain Ruijie's prior written consent, and exercise the rights reserved by Ruijie within the scope of such consent. Without Ruijie’ separate consent, you shall not:
(a) use Ruijie Software on computers or other electronic products that exceed the authorized number;
(b) use Ruijie Software obtained from unauthorized channels;
(c) rent, lease, sell, transfer, distribute, bundle with other products, reauthorize or sublicense Ruijie Software;
(d) make modifications, alterations, decompilation, disassembly, reverse engineering, and other operations to Ruijie Software, try to obtain the source code of Ruijie Software, or develop derivative products or installation programs based on Ruijie Software;
(e) delete or change any trademark, logo, copyright, or other ownership declaration, legends, symbols and marks of Ruijie Software; or
(f) disclose any results of Ruijie Software benchmark test to third parties.
Ruijie provides you with the Software Licenses for some Ruijie Software for free (“Royalty-Free Ruijie Software”). The Software License for some Ruijie Software and/or some functions of Ruijie Software (“Royalty-Bearing Ruijie Software”) may involve royalties. Please refer to standard of Ruijie Software royalty for details. You shall not use or license to a third party Royalty-Bearing Ruijie Software, without paying the royalty or obtaining Ruijie’s consent.
Software Upgrades
In order to improve the function and content of Ruijie Software, or to provide support and maintenance, Ruijie may provide software upgrade services from time to time, including the enhancements, modifications, corrections, or additions of software function. However, you understand and agree that you have no right to request Ruijie to release the above-mentioned upgrades in accordance with this Agreement. Any software upgrades by Ruijie for you should be considered as an inseparable part of Ruijie Software, and the upgrades are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In addition, Ruijie reserves all rights to revise, modify, suspend, or terminate the support and maintenance strategy of Ruijie Software at any time.
Intellectual Property Rights
1. Ruijie owns all rights and interests to Ruijie Software, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights involved in and in connection with Ruijie Software, as well as the ownership of all information and contents related to Ruijie Software (including but not limited to texts, pictures, audio, video, graphics, interface designs, layout frameworks, related data or electronic documents, etc.). Ruijie's aforementioned intellectual property rights are protected by laws and regulations, and relevant international treaties. You agree and confirm that, Ruijie owns and will continue to own all rights, titles, and interests to Ruijie Software.
2. Any trademark or service mark used by Ruijie in connection with Ruijie Software or the services provided by Ruijie belongs to Ruijie (“Ruijie Marks”). This Agreement does not grant you any right, license, or interest related to the Ruijie Marks, and you shall not claim any rights, licenses, or interests to the Ruijie Marks, or to any mark, text, or design that maybe cause confusion with the Ruijie Marks.
Personal Information Protection
Respecting and protecting users' personal information is the basic principle that Ruijie has long followed. Ruijie will collect, use, store or share your personal information only when necessary in strict accordance with the laws and the provisions of the Privacy Policy for Ruijie Software, and Ruijie will notice you in a reasonable manner when collecting your personal information. Ruijie will promptly destroy and no longer store your personal information in accordance with the law and the provisions of the Privacy Policy for Ruijie Software when there is no necessity to maintain your personal information, or upon your request to deleting your personal information.
Third-Party Software and Services
Ruijie will identify and notice you any software product or service provided by a third party. Notwithstanding any section of this Agreement, as long as a propor notice is provided, Ruijie Software do not include any software product or service provided by a third party, which you may use in connection with Ruijie Software, whether or not Ruijie officially intergrates them into Ruijie Software.
Users’ Behaviors and Liabilities
1. You fully understand and agree that, you shall use Ruijie Software subject to the laws and this Agreement, and shall not carry out any illegal crimes, violate the software security, or infringe the rights or interests of Ruijie or third parties. If you violate the laws and regulations, or provisions of this Agreement, Ruijie is entitled to take the following measures without notice: warning, restricting or prohibiting your use of some or all functions of Ruijie Software for a certain time period, revoking all your rights to use Ruijie Software, or taking other legal measures. Ruijie reserves the right to pursue legal actions if your behaviors involve illegal crimes, seriously violate the software security, or infringe the rights and interests of others. Ruijie’s failure or delay to exercise the aforementioned rights shall not constitute a waiver of such rights.
2. You fully understand and agree that the content uploaded, published, transmitted or otherwise distributed by Ruijie software must not contain any information that violates the national laws, regulations or policies, including but not limited to the following information:
(a) violating the basic principles established by the Constitutional Law;
(b) endangering national security, misappropriating the nation’s secrets, subverting state power, or undermining national unity;
(c) harming the nation’s honors and interests;
(d) inciting ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
(e) undermining the nation’s religious policies, or promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
(f) spreading rumors, disturbing social order, or destroying social stability;
(g) spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, homicide, terror, or abet crimes;
(h) insulting or defaming others, or infringing the legal rights and interests of others; or
(i) containing other contents prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.
3. You shall not use the services of Ruijie Software to engage in the following activities:
(a) any illegal activities;
(b) release of any commercial advertisement without Ruijie’s authorization;
(c) unauthorized access to a computer information network or use of resources of the computer information network;
(d) unauthorized deletion, modification, or addition of functions of computer information network;
(e) unauthorized deletion, modification, or addition of data and application programs stored in, processed in, or transmitted through the computer information network;
(f) intentionally making or spreading destructive programs including computer viruses; or
(g) other actions that endanger the security of the computer information network.
Term and Termination
1. Effective Date. This Agreement shall take effect as of the date you accept this Agreement (“Effective Date”). Your download, duplication, installation, or in any way use of Ruijie Software shall be deemed as acceptance of this Agreemeent.
2. Termination. This Agreement shall be terminated:
(a) As for Royalty-Bearing Ruijie Software, you may purchase from Ruijie the Software License effective for a certain time period, and download, duplicate, install or use Royalty-Bearing Ruijie Software in accordance with this Agreement within such time period. If you do not renew the fees before the expiration of the licensed period, the Software License of Royalty-Bearing Ruijie Software will terminate automatically upon expiration.
(b) Either party may terminate this Agreement and the Software License immediately if the other party: (1) materially breaches this Agreement, and such breach is not cured within 10 business days after receiving a written notice; (2) is insolvent, or files for bankruptcy; (3) involuntarily becomes subject to any proceeding of bankruptcy, and is not dismissed or vacated within 45 days; or (4) is in any other conditions materially affecting the performance of this Agreement.
Ruijie represents that it shall be liable for your direct damages resulted from willful or gross negligence misconducts of Ruijie’s employees regarding a Ruijie Software, but excluding other special, indirect, incidental, economic, punitive, or consequential damages (for example, any loss of business profit or sales, loss of data, cost of purchasing substitute goods or services, property damages, personal injury, business interruption, loss of business information, etc., due to use or unable to use Ruijie Software). Ruijie's total liability for all your damages shall not exceed the royalty of the Ruijie Software (resulting in your claimed damages) paid by you and received by Ruijie.
1. Ruijie Software is provided on an “as is” basis when you download, copy, install, or use it in any other way. Any material in connection with the introduction of Ruijie Software is for your reference, and shall not be construed as Ruijie’s representations or warranties regarding Ruijie Software's merchantability, specific use, satisfactory quality, and accuracy. Ruijie does not guarantee that the functions embedded in Ruijie Software meet your requirements.
2. Ruijie warrants that, to its best knowledge, Ruijie Software does not knowingly infringe any third party’s intellectual property rights. However, Ruijie is exempt from liabilities for unknown or uncertain intellectual property risks as of the Effective Date of this Agreement.
3. Ruijie will continue to improve Ruijie Software and protect the use environment of Ruijie Software. However, like most Internet software products, Ruijie Software will be affected by many factors (including factors relating to Ruijie Software itself, users, network security, etc.). Therefore, you understand and agree that, Ruijie cannot make any assurance (1) that the operation of Ruijie Software will be conducted without interference, running in a timely, safe manner, or free from any interruptions, errors, or malicious attacks; (2) regarding compatibility between Ruijie Software and other software provided by a third party; and installation of Ruijie Software may affect the availability of software, applications, or services provided by third parties; (3) that any information or data stored in or transmitted through Ruijie Software will not be lost, infected or destroyed; (4) that your use of any materials downloaded or obtained through Ruijie Software is risk-free; (5) that the relevant contents being uploaded, saved, or used remain existing or can be recovered, when the interruption of Ruijie Software occurs; or (6) regarding other conditions that Ruijie does not expressly represent or warrant under this Agreement.
4. Ruijie shall not be liable for any loss caused by:
(a) defects of Ruijie Software and any potential loss due to misuse, or unauthorized modification or accidents;
(b) defects of Ruijie Software and any potential loss due to existing malfunctions or risks of the network, server, device, system, or data you used;
(c) defects of Ruijie Software and any potential loss due to your use of software, product, or service provided by a third party;
(d) any potential loss due to download, duplication, installation, or use of trial version of Ruijie Software; or
(e) any loss that is not arised from willful or gross negligence misconducts of Ruijie’s employees.
5. Except for the warranty expressly stated in this Agreement, Ruijie has not provided any express, implied, statutory or other warranty in connection with Ruijie Software or the Software License; and any person other than Ruijie shall not have the right to modify or extend the scope of the representations and warranties. Therefore, you understand and agree that, you choose to use Ruijie Software at your free will, and are willing to afford any risks of using Ruijie Software. In the event this Section is unenforceable in some jurisdictions due to special regulations of those jurisdictions, the disclaimer listed in this Section shall apply, to the maximum extent, as enforceable under existing law.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
1. Governing Law. The verification, interpretation, modification, performance, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China without regard to conflicts of law provisions thereof.
2. Dispute resolution. Any dispute concerning the interpretation, modification, or performance of this Agreement shall be first resolved through good faith negotiations. Please visit the contact page on Ruijie’s website (http://www.ruijie.com.cn/gy/content/)to contact Ruijie. In case any negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to a competent people’s court with jurisdiction in Beijing, China.
1. Severability Clause. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such provision will be construed, to the extent feasible, so as to render that provision enforceable, and if no feasible interpretation would make such provision enforceable, it will be severed from this Agreement, and the remiander of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
2. Entirety Clause. This Agreement is the final, complete, and non-exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and shall supersede all prior or provisional written or oral understandings and agreements.
3. Modification. This Agreement may only be amended in writing by authorized representatives of the Parties.
4. Foreign Laws. You shall comply with the laws and regulations of all import and export countries applicable to Ruijie Software, including restrictions of the foregoing laws and regulations on the end user, field of use, destination of use, and direct or indirect re-export, and use Ruijie Software in accordance with the foregoing laws and regulations, and terms and conditions under this Agreement.
5. Waiver. The failure or delay of either Party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, or the failure to require at any time performance by the other Party of any of the provisions of this Agreement, will in no way be construed to be a present or future waiver of such provisions, nor in any way affect the right of either Party to enforce each and every such provision thereafter.
6. Language. This Agreement is written into both Chinese and English versions. In case of any conflict between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.